Monday 16 February 2009

This is really serious now...

I am really serious about do something with my life, in my case, not to do anything. Easy way would be to go 6ft under, no more money problem and no more fucking phone calls from credit card company wanted money.

As nobody is reading this post or blog I can write what ever I want. I need to find money, fast!
Maybe I could steal something or even commit a robbery, well at least money would come along...

Well if you have a tiny compassion for me, please donate so I can leave this shitty job as a carer driver and get a decent one.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

The End of the Road

Today is the end of my road. My girlfriend doesn't have money, crying on the phone and I can't help it either. It makes me so useless in this world. Nothing to give to makes her better, to pay that damn bill.

Mind you my bank is not better either. Even crossed my mind to ask someone to give me some money to pay all those debts, someone like in the world of movie or even singer.

I just don't know how to produce that money which is much needed.

Even this blog is such a waste of money, nobody is reading it, and all I want is to people to read and click on the adverts so I can get some money rolling in.

Pointless..right to the bottom..

Never mind to ask for the donation...who is reading this blog??

I know the answer---NOBODY!!!!

The way are things going, I won't be a surprise to end up in some sort of bedsit with no money, no relationship and no family.

The best answer would be in that case- Killing myself...

Saturday 31 January 2009

Hello!! Anybody Out There??

This blog seems to be pointless. Nobody is reading this words. And why you should, it is shit writing of the shitty carer driver.

I am just amazed when peeps make money from blog, but I will never make a panny out of this one.

As my point is proven, my life is shit!

Friday 16 January 2009

My Life is Shit

I just came to an conclusion that my life is shit. This is the lowest of the low I could fall. Credit card company wants money, my account in minus, no money no payment!
I know there is nobody reading this blog, but I still have that tiny-winy hope that someone out there will read and donate money. It does looks and sound desperate, because I am, very much so. Please if you are reading maybe boring lines of my first real diary blog, donate for a carer driver who doesn't know where to go and where to turn to for help.

I read many times there is a miracle happen to people. I do believe in miracles, but not mine, other people miracles.
As miracles doesn't happen to me, never did and believe me, never will.

So if you can, prove me wrong.

Day at work, boring as usual. Cleaning shitty asses, wheeling wheelchairs, making stupid conversation with old people.

But deep down I just can't be bothered. I don't have a single stimulation for my brain in work. y brain go dead.

A few people told me that I am just wasting my time and youth with this underpaid job.
I know I do. But I just stuck! One thing that would keep my brain active would be money in my account, not in minus, just a bit in plus.

Until then, I will be just like a vegetable on the market, dead, eaten and forgotten.

Thursday 15 January 2009

What's New?

I always ask myself "What's new" in the job. And the answer is always "Nothing". Week as any other boring week, days are going fast for change, but not fast enough.
People are going older and older and more and more miserable.
What a joy!

Manager parked the car to show off her new Honda. How sad is that. While we can't end meet, never mind buying the car.
Some people are so pathetic that they are not worth a penny.

Yes, pennies are not coming into my account either. As far as I'm concern, this blog was read by 0 people. No people, no donation.

The things are not going good at all with my credit card payment. Just wonder is anyone out there can give some advice, as banks don't want to listen and know about it.

So if you read this, please Donate to pay off my damn credit cards.

Friday 9 January 2009

Just another day...

Today I was in the office doing runs for the next day. None of the care team helped me with it. They really are thick, can't argue with that.
No management around all day. my manager gone sick, the other manager in the meeting, if things gone wrong, that would be the day to see.
Sometimes I can't think of any word to type as the day are so gone into the routine that I can predict what will happen in the next month, how boring job is that!
Yeah, I know!!

So please, please donate some money so I can pay for my credit cards. Just push the paypal button on your right side. t will help, believe me it will.

If Jewish care can rise millions from other people, why can't I?

I am not asking for millions as I have mentioned this before, but for the mare £6.000 to repay my cards and look for some more exciting job, not just cleaning the old people a**es!

Wednesday 7 January 2009

What did I do Today?

As per usual we are short of drivers. One on annual leave the other not allowed to drive.
And yes, have to do all by myself. This morning manager came to the office telling us about the fence drivers are hitting with rear of the bus while parking in the yard, she said to be careful when we park, as there is no money in the budget for a new fence (but there is for a 2 brand new wii consoles!!!).
That didn't go well at all. Outside was black ice and cold on the road, instead of telling us be careful when you drive out there, nothing, she is more worried about her damn budget!

Day went okay-ish. I am looking for a new job for a while now, but until I sort my living situation, I won't get any job, but I am applying on and off line.

Keeps fingers crossed :-)