Tuesday 23 December 2008

Christmas Bonus

You ask me, what about Christmas bonus?

Many years back, we had £10.00 of M&S vouchers. I didn't know how to spend that, knowing that M&S one mars bar is about £1.00.

This was pathetic from them to give to carer driver. Never mind them raking thousands of pounds in bonus for themselves in head office.

Then they decided, that was way too much to give carer driver, and they took this away.
Other people are looking forward for some kind of bonus, I don't, I am so ashamed of that, don't get a single bonus.

Feels like as a carer driver I am worthless. I believe even the dirt on the carpet have some value, but carer driver, none.

So please donate as much as you can.

Christmas Card

What can I say, I do receive card for Christmas, even it's Jewish place of work.
There are some nice souls in my workplace, who will put something in a card, nice words, nice thought.

I'm afraid not many..

My manager, title got into her head, money got into her head, never mind the role in the centre, and what do I get for Christmas? A card, unsigned card, with the coldest words you can imagine, "regards manager".

How about, "Thank you for the hard work you do"?, "Thank you for staying with Jewish Care for the past 6 1/2 years"?
Where does the loyalty comes into account??

It just doesn't exist.

Let me tell you about the present from manager... a mars bar collection ( cost about £3.99 each or 2 for a fiver), that was my hard work, a bloody mars bar collection!

Thank manager, maybe I should return the present with same sort of regards and present?

I am sure you can see where I'm standing now or not.

So please donate money to carer driver in desperate need!

My Daily Job as a Carer Driver

What do carer driver do in Jewish Care?

You name it, we do it! Our "reasonable duty" has gone way to far to be "reasonable" any more.
Yeah, you probably think, but you are "paid".
If you think that miserable £965.00 per month is a good pay, then think again. Try to pay for the rent, pay the bills, pay for transport to and from work, what's left on the end of the very first week? Guess! Come on, I am sure you can guess- nothing, zilch, zero!

Well, I am in minus for the past 2 months, struggling to pay my credit cards, carer driver job I do is not the job for the people like me, 39 years old, who want to work extra hours.

Jewish Care, doesn't do extra hours, well not in the Day care Centre.
Working for the past 6 1/2 years for Jewish Care, made me more and more miserable with my life. They just don't want to pay extra money.

You can read in the papers that Jewish Care raised thousands even millions of £ to help Jewish Care community, but you will never ever see any title or article about poor old carer driver, who suffer until one day explodes, and people will say: "What have happen to her"?

Yes, I would be surprised too, what have happen to me?

Gone mad? Lost the plot? Gone crazy?? Yes, all three comes into account when you want to live life and enjoy the job you do, well I don't!

No gratitude for the work I do, not even "Thank You" in the Christmas card from your manager!
I am just a number. Just another poor underpaid carer driver.

So If you think carer driver deserves turkey this Christmas, present from loved one or even just a small bonus, please donate what ever you can. And believe me, you will make a huge difference.

I am not asking millions, I am just asking to repay my credit cards (£6000), and that is a small drop in the ocean.